
Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.  Colossians 3:16 


We are commanded by God to praise His name through music.  Whether we are in church, at home, or at work our lives are to be glorifying to God.  Music is one way we worship God for all He has done.  When we sing to and about God, He does not listen to our voices; He looks at our hearts.  God wants our entire beings to be filled with Him.  


Celebration Choir

The Celebration Choir begins the service every Sunday as a reminder we are in the presence of our Holy God.  New members and guests are always welcomed and encouraged to join year round.  There is no audition to join and no matter your musical skill level, there is a place for you in the choir.  Celebration Choir meets on Wednesdays at 8:00pm for rehearsal in the Choir Room.  


Praise Band

Our instruments are vital to the congregational worship of God.  Instruments were used throughout the Bible for accompanying musicians in singing to God.  If you have played an instrument for at least one year and want to use your gifts for God, we welcome and encourage you to join throughout the year


Audio/Visual Team

Our worship time would be greatly hindered without a team of volunteers that aid in the direction of our services.  Sound and lights are two very detailed portions of the service that are a blessing each week.  If you would like more information about the team or interested in opportunites to help, please call the church office, 706-324-7183. 


Congregational Worship

The time of congregational singing is a vital portion of the service, the church and the body of believers.  With many references in the Bible to congregational singing, we encourage you to join in as we sing.  When we sing together, we are glorifying God as one voice in adoration, praise and in reverence of His name.  When we sing together, we are actively participating with the rest of the church body at the same time.  God wants to hear your voice in this time of worship, no matter your skill level.  You are created by God and He has given you the ability and desire to sing His name throughout your life.